Free ways for word processing.

1.     It’s Free: To access word processing like Ms Office, try Open office. This is an ‘open source’ office suit. You can even create Graphics, Database etc...  You open and edit the files of Open office also in Ms-Office. Visit ,
     Yeah write: This is also a type of word processing application. You can create the documents easily with this tool, even if you don’t know about word. We can create easily the types if Address book, E-mail, Fax, Journals etc... Go to .
   Koffice:  This is also a word processing application and Programme.  Visit .                If you are using “MAC”, you can install freely the word processors like, Bean and Neo Office. Visit, , .
       Abi word: Abiword can be installed in the three operating systems Windows, Linux and Apple. It will be almost like MS Word. You can use the dictionary almost in 30 languages. You can add pluggins to use more comfortably. Visit .
                        Five Free word processors:   Free five word processors: If you want five free word processors, visit, .


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